WhatsApp Reveals New Feature for Group Calls

Are you tired of missing a group call on WhatsApp? It looks like the developers have come up with a solution. Recently, they revealed an upcoming feature that allows you to join the call even if you have already missed it. Meanwhile, there is another update rolled out by WhatsApp, which is a new screen with call info that indicates users who were invited to join the call.

This Monday, WhatsApp shared the big news with the audience. It started with group calls that can be joined any time after the chat begins. So, if you miss the call but don’t want to skip online classes or an important business meeting, you can rejoin the conversation. However, pay attention to the fact that you have chances only until the call is on. When the session is over, you can’t enter the chat. Before that, only active participants of the current chat could invite new members during the video or audio call.

With the calls you can join whenever you are ready, the participants might relax and join the chat even when other group members are there. If you were in the middle of a conversation with other people, you can still say goodbye, finish the chat, and proceed to a new one. WhatsApp developers hope it will improve conversations through the app.

Join a Missed Call

To join a conversation on the app, you need to press the “Tap to Join” button in a call log. Click it, and you will appear in the middle of a conversation. You don’t have to ask other participants to call you again and again.

There is a new info screen of the calls introduced by WhatsApp. It shows all users that are involved in the chat. You may also see users who were invited but still did not join. You can find the information about active participants before the call, so you can get the details in advance. If you don’t want to participate in a chat, you can easily tap the “Ignore” button.