Sonos Wins a Patent Infringement Case Versus Google

The recent ruling of the US International Trade Commission confirmed the one ruled in August. According to it, Google in its hardware development has violated at least five patents by Sonos, an American manufacturer of audio devices. This may result in banning some (in fact, most) hardware products by Google.

The patents that were (according to the ruling) violated by Google include volume adjustment via Wi-Fi, syncing various devices over a network (like multiple speakers in stereo or Quadro mode), and initial setting up a wireless speaker for communication. These technologies are actively used in many products by Google, be it laptops, smartphones, or smart home devices.

It’s a blow to Google’s reputation, but what does it mean for end-users? As a result of these rulings, some products by Google using the patents in question may become unavailable. The list, according to Sonos, includes Pixel phones, Chromecast, Nest speakers, and Chromebooks – virtually all the products by Google. But it’s too early to panic.

The Palo Alto corporation is now working its way around, removing the technologies that cause the controversy and replacing them with alternatives, so the updated versions don’t violate any rights. For example, Android 12 will enable its users to adjust the volume on Chromecast without any technologies patented by Sonos. The overall mindset of Google spokespersons is also positive, so they don’t think the threat of banning their devices is real. For a certain period of time, though, Google may have to disable certain features in its products.

Sonos, in its turn, expresses its satisfaction with the outcome. The official statement hints that the company has dozens of other patents supposedly violated by Google, and it’s more interested in receiving royalties than in wiping Google products off shelves. Sounds logical, but Google may prefer other replies. Did this ruling affect your Google Nest, Chromecast, or Android experience in any way? Let’s discuss it in the comments!