Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Breaks the Weekend Record for Video Game Movies

The sequel of Sonic the Hedgehog has been released in the cinemas in most countries of the world. The first results we see are astonishing. The sequel released in March 2022 and following the events of the first movie is now the best performing ever movie based on a videogame.

The sequel directed by Jeff Fowler has most of the actors reprising their roles from the first movie. Here are James Marsden, Natasha Rothwell, Tika Sumpter, along with Ben Schwartz (the voice of Sonic) and Jim Carey (Dr. Robotnik). This time the cast is strengthened by Idris Elba (voicing Knuckles the Echidna) and Colleen O'Shaughnessey (voicing Tails). The story is loosely based on the second (1992) and the third (1994) installments of the namesake game. 

Sega, the developer and publisher of Sonic the Hedgehog games, participated in the movie production as well. It provided the visual effects and the animation, granting the cinematic Sonic is as close to the origin as can get. No more controversial decisions like that about Sonic’s appearance in the teaser for the first movie: now it’s all canon.

Studios have been trying to make movies based on games since the early 1990s. It’s interesting that the first attempt (Super Mario Bros., 1993) was considered one of the worst movies ever, while next to some other attempts it has aged rather well. Probably the two most iconic among them were The Street Fighter (1994) and Mortal Kombat (1995), still being essentially B movies. 

It seems that only in the end of the 2010s producers learned to make video game adaptations great again. Detective Pikachu was one of the best-rated videogame adaptations ever. The first Sonic movie set the previous weekend record. Now, the sequel establishes the status of the franchise and shows the way to make more game adaptations.

Have you already seen Sonic the Hedgehog 2? Did you like it? What impressed you the most about the movie? Let’s share our impressions in the comments!