Pokémon GO Changes Distances Again: Is This Final?

While Pokémon GO remains one of the ten most profitable mobile games in 2021, it had to undergo some changes to adjust to the new lockdown reality. To keep players active, Niantic prevented them from getting too close to each other at Pokéstops, doubling the distance from it. Now the developer is rolling back these changes, and the players get angry.

In fact, Niantic never hid the fact that the pandemic changes introduced in 2020 were a temporary measure. Ones that seem to cease this year include Pokémon Buddy gifts (reduced in favor of collecting items at Pokéstops), increased stationary effectiveness (only makes sense when you stay at home), and – the most important – Pokéstop interaction distance. Now one has to be at maximum 40 meters from a point, instead of 80, like it was last year. As for Gyms and Remote Range interactions, the distances are not reverted… so far. Neither are other bonuses that players have been enjoying last year.

The rollback starts in the USA and New Zealand. These are just the first countries to experience this step back. Gradually, Niantic plans to revert these changes for the rest of the world. But the reaction in these countries may impact the developer’s plans as the situation unfolds. The fact that Pokémon GO retained its high revenue means Niantic knows what to do. But the community may disagree.

Fans have their reasons to protest. It’s not about being spoiled; it’s rather about claiming the end of the pandemic too early. The impact of the Delta strain of COVID-19 is still unpredictable, so it can cause even more severe lockdowns (at least, in theory). It means life costs might increase even more while jobs still shrinking. And, even as Pokémon GO encourages players to spend time outside and improve their immunity, it means players must pay for more bonuses.