PlayStation Mobile App Reaches 100M Installs

The official PlayStation app by Sony has been installed from Google Play 100 million times. To acknowledge the vastness of this number, one must realize that it comes from the official Google Play stats. So you should add all the iPhones with it, and then Android devices that received the app from elsewhere.

It’s just slightly less than the overall sales of PlayStation 4 (111.4M), and even more than that for PlayStation Vita, let alone PlayStation 5 that’s only in the beginning of its supposed lifespan. The app has been around since 2013, so it must have attracted millions of those with PlayStation 3 who did not upgrade for some reason but still keep playing on it. You might also subtract those who have changed multiple phones while using the same console, reinstalling the app each time they bought a new smartphone. And still the number will impress.

While the app itself is not meant to launch or download games, it provides lots of features. With it, you can remotely control your console storage and download games to it, browse the store, check the games you like, customize your profile, view achievements and scores, or contact your friends with PS accounts. Sony has been paying more attention to the app recently, having redesigned it last fall and added an array of new features this spring.