PlayStation 4 Perks for This Autumn

PS4 Plus has prepared a bag of autumn goodies for all its fans. Let’s see what you can snatch for free this September.

PS4 Plus is hosting another giveaway. For a limited period of time — from September 7 to October 4. This time, we have a splendid game trifecta on the menu. Let’s look at them closer.

1. Overcooked: All You Can Eat

Too many cooks spoil the broth. Disagree? Then you’re welcome to bust this myth together with your friends. 

Overcooked! is a quirky multiplayer game in which you join forces with your buddies to prepare an exquisite meal. However, it’s far from being a piece of cake: numerous traps, threats and hazards await you.

But there’s nothing that some good teamwork can’t solve. Try various modes, survive the fun chaos and have that delicious grilled cheese or steak finally cooked.  

2. Hitman 2

The game sounds more like a dream job. You will travel around the world — from NY’s Milton-Fitzpatrick where business sharks do their deeds to Mumbai where street sitar players sing odes to Lakshmi.

Each landscape offers both hidden threats and secret advantages when it to comes to killing. 

Your targets are protected with dark forests, thick concrete walls and legions of bodyguards. That’s when you learn that it’s not bullets that kill people — it’s brains and creativity.

3. Predator: Hunting Grounds

This is a multiplayer shooter based on asymmetry. You can join one of two factions: Soldiers or Predator. 

Soldiers operate as a fire team of four people. Surrounded by the South African jungles, they have to rely on their wits, collective effort and limited weapons arsenal to stay alive.

The Predator or Yautja hunts solo. He has a whole arsenal of sci-fi weapons, plus his sharp instincts and tremendous physical faculties. The game is nicely accompanied by the movie’s original 1987 soundtrack. 

Don’t Miss the Giveaway

Hurry up and get the free titles. Which games would you like to be part of the next giveaway? Share your opinion with us!