Players Complain That Gun Attachments in Call of Duty: MW2 Make Weapons Wors

Modern Warfare 2 for Call of Duty was released on October 28th with the overhauled Gunsmith customization function, but most gamers swear by the fact that so many additions have made the guns worse. There are 5 attachments available when assembling weapons in the game, and maximizing these attachments reduces performance and negatively affects the gameplay.

Many bloggers and weapon testers in Modern Warfare 2 have come to the conclusion after comparative evaluation that some attachments make weapons significantly worse, even if the player uses the add-ons wisely. So, for example, in the basic version of the game, the main inconvenience of weapons is weapon sway and recoil. Consequently, attachments should allow to stabilize the weapon and improve the gaming experience; however, they solve some problems by adding others, increasing stability and aiming time.

A number of players commented on the forums in favor of the fact that they also noticed how the performance of their game worsened with attachments. According to experts, the 5 slots for attachments that have appeared cannot be considered an unambiguously unsuccessful decision by the developer. However, you should not use all 5, just because they are there. Instead you should create a balance between quantity and quality. Also, it is important to carefully read the descriptions for attachments and select only those that do not greatly affect the aiming time.

Weapon building is a very important aspect of Call of Duty: MW2, so newbies shouldn't try to do it themselves. A much more effective and useful solution would be to study the guides, where experienced players explain in detail the basic principles of this process.

Do you feel that using all the attachments improved or worsened the gaming experience? How often do you use guides when playing games? Please share your opinion below.