NHS App as a Virtual COVID-19 Vaccine Passport for Travelling

The official app by National Health Service (UK) is now more than just an informational portal for the British. But now you can use it outside the United Kingdom – specifically, to enter countries that require proof of your being vaccinated.

The app can be installed by anyone who’s at least 13 years old and have registered with the GP service. Then the app syncs with the user’s medical record. After getting fully vaccinated, the user receives the QR code within the app, so they can use it as a certificate when entering a country where it’s required. 

The biggest issue with NHS is that it’s not truly internationally recognized. So check whether the country you intend to visit does accept QR codes as certificates. If not, you should take care and receive an international standard one. It’s another weakness in global collaboration; all you can do with it is accept it and act so. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that syncing takes time. Not seconds, like cloud services by private companies, but weeks. It is necessary to ensure your records are correct, as analyzing them cannot be made digitally. So, make everything to do it in time if you are planning your trips tightly. Better postpone your trip consciously than cancel it involuntarily.