Monster Hunter Ariana Grande Visits Fortnite’s Halloween

Fortnitemares, the super-hot Halloween event in Fortnite, turns Ariana Grande into a full-fledged character with her own questline. We already know that during the quest, the famous singer becomes “the galaxy’s greatest monster hunter!” Let’s take a closer look at what they have for us! 

Caretaker’s Assault

We all have already encountered the mobilizations of the mysterious cubes, but not they are forming a Convergence to corrupt Fortnite realms and worse! You may have thought that cube monsters are all they can through at you, but the Cube Queen’s has an ace up in her sleeve, the Caretakers! They are currently the strongest warriors under her command and their powerful spectral tendrils are controlling the lands around the cubes. 

Along with her new armada, the Cube’s Queen produced a new weapon, the sideways scythe, and returned fan-favorite witch brooms, and pumpkin launchers. It’s high time to employ them in the battle and repel the Caretakers from the Island. 

Horde Rush Returns

Remember the Horde Rush mode? It has returned to Fortnite and features several new quests from different characters, including the one by Ariana Grande. It features her new Spacefarer Ariana Grande character and introduces a series of quests dedicated to monster hunting. You can start completing these quests right away and achieve pickaxes, gliders, and other nice free items. 

Hurry Up!

The event is already live and will be available until November 2, so you need to hurry up to take part in it and complete Ariana’s quest! Are you excited about it as much as we are? And what are your favorite Fortnitemare add-ons this year, by the way? Tell us about it in the comments and share the event news with other fans of the game to enjoy it together.