How to Keep Them from Adding You to WhatsApp Groups

Groups are a great feature of WhatsApp if used correctly. Neighbors and coworkers, friends, and schoolkids can communicate in these groups informally (though for professional needs, most would prefer Slack or Teams). But this feature has downsides as well: spammers often add people by numbers to WhatsApp groups. This is how to prevent this unwanted adding and stay free from ads you didn’t want. 

Why Adding to a Group Is Better Turned Off

It irritates when an unknown number adds you to a group advertising something or spreading the news (mostly fake ones, of course). More than that: you can be added to a group that advertises something illegal, like drugs, gambling, smuggled goods, or seductive but fraudulent offers. It is often initiated by a foreign number, and you cannot even identify the country without googling, let alone the owner.

Not only is the content of these groups harmful and often illegal. Even if it’s quite innocent, you probably just didn’t want it on your chat list. Especially if these groups are numerous; it happens if your phone number got listed in one of the databases distributed by hackers.

Why Is This Possible?

If it is so dangerous and unpleasant, why does WhatsApp allow strangers to add people to groups at all? Indeed, there are quite legit reasons why strangers might add you to a group. For example, it can be your manager who has your number from HR while you don’t have theirs. Or a neighbor who decided to bring the neighborhood community to WhatsApp and picked numbers from whoever they know. So sometimes, it makes sense to allow someone you don’t know.

On the other hand… Okay, you have read the previous section. And this is what you can do about it.

How to Prevent People from Adding You


Don’t condemn WhatsApp for leaving this possibility, though. You cannot remove your number from these illegal lists. But the app allows you to prevent being added to groups by people you don’t know (or at least don’t have their numbers on your contact list). To ban them all preventively, do the following:

1.     Run WhatsApp and enter Settings. On Android, you can do it through a three-dot menu in the upper right corner (the only option there). On iPhone, there is an icon in the lower right corner.

2.     Go to the Account section.

3.     Tap Privacy and then go to Groups.

4.     Choose the option you want. As “Everyone” is what you want to exclude, you can choose between the two options:

·       “My Contacts”. That means you can be added by everyone whose number is on your contact list. So, by adding a person to your phonebook, you authorize them to add you to groups.

·       “My Contacts Except…” It’s a great option when there is someone among your contacts who adores creating groups for any reason possible, even to share a fresh meme or a selfie to some people. Then you may just choose these persons and blacklist them personally. By the way: don’t be such a person!

5.     Go back. You don’t have to do anything to save these settings after you have altered them. Neither do you have to repeat the procedure after you update WhatsApp or migrate to a new device.

Group Therapy Successful

Well, it can be so simple. If you have been bothered by groups that add you out of the blue and then stay on your chat list until you delete them manually, it’s the solution. From now on, only the groups you really need will include you.

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