Finally, There’s a Widget for Google Chrome on iOS

What’s been said now gets done. Those on iOS who preferred Chrome to Safari and others all this time might have been waiting until Google adds a Chrome widget. Given that iOS has brought in support for widgets long ago, and Chrome is among the most popular mobile apps, it was about time.

Now, if you manually update your browser to Version 90, you will also get access to two widgets. One of them is mostly of entertaining value, featuring the Dino game you see each time you run Chrome when offline. The other, in the meantime, is the widget you will want to use. It features a quick search field, as well as QR code reader, incognito mode launch button, and a mic pictogram for voice input. There is a more minimalistic widget as well, featuring nothing but the search that will open in a new Chrome tab (along with all the tabs you left open while closing the app the last time).

Not that Google was wasting all that time in vain. It added a widget for Google Drive and Google Fit (in case you prefer these to iCloud and Apple Health, you must already be enjoying these). Alas, we still have to wait some time until it rolls out updates for Calendar which delivers the long-awaited widget. It sill be arguably the most demanded widget of all the Google apps for iOS, given how mush users need the calendar to stay on top of things.