Everything You Need to Know About Shazam

Shazam quickly became a lifesaver for all music fans during these years. The program has recognized singers around the world since 1999. This music recognizer is still one of its kind and millions of users use it to find albums or songs they heard. According to its official statistics, Shazam has more than 120 million active users. It generates 400 000 music downloads on platforms that are connected. Let’s find more about magic.

How it works

The Shazam app can recognize the song by a fragment you let the service listen to. People call this process “to shazam.” Any song or audio you recorded from a TV series or commercial can be found by this program. Once the app finds it you receive details on the singer, song's name, and so on. You can be redirected to the platform where you can listen to this song from the start. It may be Apple Music or YouTube, for example.

Its technology recognizes the frequency patterns that are repeated in the song, comparing billions of existing songs. Its database is impressive and contains music of all genres, from all the countries, from different years. Since every song has its own frequency pattern it is similar to fingerprints. It is usually enough to have at least 10 seconds of the song to find the match.

In-app features

This app contains multiple features that may be useful for you. The most popular of them are:

  • Shazam provides you information on the song you were looking for, including the title and name of the artist;
  • It offers several platforms of your choice where you can listen to it or buy it. The most popular recommendations are Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, and Google Play Music;
  • You may click on the name of the artist to find more songs;
  • If you are looking for the video, you will be sent to YouTube and Apple Music;
  • If you are searching for the lyrics of the song, Shazam offers it to you;
  • You can share the links with songs you found with your friends on social media;
  • This app saves your searching history and you can find the songs you were listening to;
  • You may close the app and listen to the song, while Shazam is searching for it.

Integration with other apps

Shazam is compatible with numerous platforms and services. It may automatically connect you with Spotify or Apple Music once it recognizes the song. You may listen to the song even if you don’t have a profile there. The app works directly with Siri on iOS 8 and later systems, and all you need to do is ask your personal assistant to find the song. In its turn, Siri will send you to iTunes. Snapchat users have access to Shazam as well since this social network has been integrated too. Shazam allows you to share its links through any messengers, by email, or on your social networks’ pages.

Shazam charts

There is a chart system that Shazam uses based on the frequency of one song’s shazams. The more a song gets, the more popular it is. Users can check out the most popular songs by simply entering these charts and listening to the top choices. The global chart has 200 tracks on it. Besides, Shazam creates local and country-based charts. You may check the top favorite songs of your country or city.

Numerous radio stations use these charts as the measurement of a song's popularity. Some labels search for top choices on Shazam to discover new talents. Artists who want to get noticed prefer to work with Shazam, hoping their songs will get into the database.

Shazam Effect

This small app is everything you need to find the song that is stacked in your head. It has advanced technologies of recognition, free of charge, and is compatible with almost all music apps. If you have not tried it, you need to download it immediately.

You can tell us in the comments how often you use this app. Is Shazam helpful? Was there a song that Shazam couldn’t find?