Apple’s April 20 Virtual Launch Confirmed

Apple has finally confirmed the April 20 all-online event. While the company didn’t disclose any plans for the presentation, analytics are sure of the rollout of new iPad models with new screens and perhaps the AirTag trackers. The last is the most improbable rumor, though. We all will check it out during the virtual event on


The invitations Apple sent to reporters include a brand new Apple logo version, which looks like a squiggle made with an Apple Pencil. This is a solid reference to iPads. Another “mysterious” thing is the phrase “Spring loaded.” What could it mean? Do you have any suggestions? Our careful guess is that Apple Pencil will now be hidden within an iPad! That’s nuts, but what if it’s true?

Most probably, the new iPads and iOS/iPadOS improvements won’t be such a huge step for the company as iPhone 12 and the super performing M1 chips for Mac Mini, Macbook Pro 13, and Macbook Air. On the other hand, this sequence of remarkable product releases may continue.

Most probably, the tech improvements will include new Mini-LED screens that may bring higher brightness along with lower power consumption and production costs. Experts wait for the company to integrate the technology into Macbooks and iMacs later this year.

Privacy Improvements: Confirmed

What we know for sure is that the upcoming iOS and iPadOS will receive a major privacy update right after the upcoming event. The update will force developers to ask users for permission to track their data more closely for advertising or other purposes. The new rules will also require them to be more transparent about the ways they collect user data and how they use it later.

Facebook has already negatively reacted to the upcoming update. The company is convinced that such a move will make the advertising industry much more expensive and make it harder for small businesses to reach their potential users. Apple CEO Tim Cook says that the feature will only improve the user experience by letting people control the way advertising works on their devices.

The Better Apple?

Based on the latest product releases, the company has finally found the path to really exciting products of higher quality. Even the revolutionary M1 chip alone is a huge breakthrough. What do you expect from the upcoming event? Will the rumors be confirmed, or Apple has something brand new for us?