Advertisers on Twitter Now Get Better Access to Ad Placement in Tweet Replies

This feature has been in testing for several months, and now it arrives. Rejoice, advertisers on Twitter: now you can place your ads in conversations on Twitter. This way, the advertisers can reach all the people engaged in the conversation. Not only is it a new place where an ad can be positioned, but also a way to make ads more relevant.

The new option is named Tweet Replies. In terms of advertising, it means that an advertiser can now place their ad right after the first reply in a conversation. The ads will appear in Twitter mobile apps for Android and iOS. So no wonder that the subject of advertisements is often some app that users can install immediately on their devices by tapping the ad.

This new feature makes sense, if we think that a good ad should be first of all relevant. By right targeting and using keywords that appear in tweets, advertisers get another chance to deliver their offers to the audience that’s really interested in it. According to the results of the testing phase, this way of placing ads results in increased impressions and attributed installs while the cost per installs while the cost per install has shown a decrease.

Another part of it is even more interesting. From the creator’s point of view, it can be a chance to interact with advertisers directly and thus get motivated to generate tweets that attract both the audience and the advertisers. This may, in its turn, mean monetization for the conversation starter. And this side of the freshly tested ad option has been confirmed by Bruce Flack of Twitter who says that creators will eventually become a party in this exchange too.

What do you think about these ads in a new place? Have you already seen them? Were they relevant? And would you like to see it as a way to monetize your Twitter activity? Tell us what you think about it in the comments please!